Poster Grippers and Binding Bars

Keep your posters securely in place with our poster grippers. They're really easy to use, and durable too. This makes them a simple way to display information and promotional signs. For wooden and metal options, check out our poster hangers.

Poster Gripper Bars, Poster Hanging Clips and Binding Bars

What are poster gripper bars and binding bars?

Poster gripper bars and binding bars are used to easily display posters and banners on your walls or from your ceiling. They are long, thin strips of plastic which grip onto the edges of your poster to hold it into place.

Some of the gripper bars have adhesive backings which stick to your wall, whilst others are designed to hang from the ceiling as an overhead display.

What poster sizes can your grippers, bars and clips hold?

Here at UK POS, our poster grippers come in a variety of sizes. This means that the size of poster a poster gripper can hold differs from product to product. Please check the sizes stated on your chosen poster gripper to ensure that it is suitable for your display.

What is the maximum poster thickness that poster gripper bars can hold?

Each of our poster grippers is able to accommodate different poster thicknesses. Please check the stated maximum poster thickness of your chosen poster gripper or binding bar before committing to your purchase to ensure that it is suitable for your posters.

Binding bars

Do I need any accessories for my poster grippers?

If you are going to be hanging your poster gripper bars from the ceiling, you will need suspension clips or hangers to attach to the bars and provide hooks for string or wire to be attached. You will then need Ceiling Hangers and Hooks in order to enable you to hang the displays from the ceiling.