Easter shop display and promotion ideas

Easter Shop Displays And Easter Promotion Ideas

Easter displays and Easter promotion ideas

Easter is a key selling period across many sectors, that you won't want to miss out on! In the UK alone, Easter spending went up by 5.1% last year [1].

Supermarkets and value stores get the highest sales figures, but many other sectors can profit from this period, too. Ensure your business makes the most of this seasonal spending with our Easter promotion ideas.

Restaurants and cafes can tweak their menus and signage messaging, while homeware shops and fashion retailers can get creative with their window displays and merchandising.

The crucial factor in Easter promotions and Easter merchandising is to start early in order to begin influencing your customers and passersby well ahead of time, anticipating their needs and wants.

Easter shop displays

What type of Easter shop displays do customers respond to?

Customers respond best to price promotions on shelf edges as well as FSDU's (freestanding display units) on aisle ends. POPAI's Easter Display research explains that

Easily the most influential mechanic is shelf edge price promotions, with 84% of shoppers saying that this would sway them [2]

Easter shop window displays

One concern for retailers in recent years, is the introduction of HFSS regulations. This is a government initiative to restrict the locations and types of promotion that shops can use for food that is high in fat, sugar, and salt. The most effective displays for Easter confectionery promotions have traditionally been aisle ends and checkout areas, so shops now need to use innovative new ways to advertise Easter goods.

Regarding how to run Easter promotions in a post-HFSS world, Ferrero sales director Jason Sutherland said "it's about raising awareness with in-store messaging", adding that using extra aisle signage will be key [3].

Many shops have already begun to find workarounds for the HFSS rules. A winning tactic so far is to create engaging mid-aisle displays with items that would previously have been promoted at aisle ends. Use extra shelf wobblers, aisle signs and floor signs to attract customers to your chocolate eggs and other sweets in-aisle.

Easter shop displays

Don't underestimate the power of visual merchandising to boost unplanned purchases! Susan Nash says that:

54% of Creme Egg purchases and 47% of Mini Egg purchases were by shoppers who had not planned to buy the product, showcasing the power of good visibility [4]

Acrylic display stands are still a great way to showcase seasonal impulse buys at your checkout. Alternatively, use wicker display baskets for an on-theme rustic aesthetic.

Think outside of the box in order to overcome the HFSS limitations. Use this area to highlight a variety of alternative product types to chocolate eggs, such as Easter-themed activity packs and decorations.

How to meet expectations and needs of customers while standing out from the competition

Customers report that branded Easter shop displays with a decent variety seem to be the most welcome and well-received of the display types. As a retailer, ensure you mix in the "expected" offerings with something more eye-catching or unusual, prompting customers to think outside the (egg) box.

One tactic you could try for this, is using half-and-half displays of complementary products, such as the Cadburys/Mr Kipling FSDU's seen in Nisa.

POPAI found that Easter shoppers don't tend to be particularly brand-loyal, and so your displays could be used to sway them to a larger or more expensive choice.

Easter shop displays

Which POS display types are best for Easter promotions?

Freestanding display units and shelving are always a great way to draw attention to unique or themed merchandising displays. Get a custom-printed merchandising stand, or bespoke printed header posters and shelf signs in order to highlight your Easter promotions. Easter window displays and shelf assortments need to grab attention with attractive colours and textures, while showcasing the products you want customers to pick up as they pass through your store.

Easter shop window displays

A winning combination for Easter window displays and in-store Easter merchandising displays, is to use poster grippers for hanging graphics as your backdrop.

Use wicker baskets and wooden crates to display chocolate eggs and decorations (perhaps with colourful shredded paper as a nest?), while elevating key/high-value product ranges on display plinths.

Use window stickers for other details such as the dates of your special sales and services, opening times, or simply unique messages to remind customers that Easter is coming.

As mentioned, shelf edge displays are proven to be the most effective in-store merchandising type, with data strips, shelf talkers and shelf wobblers all being the perfect additions to draw the eye to particular products and deals. Aisle signs and aisle banners are also great for marking out sections, such as for Easter gifts and cards.

For clothing retailers, clothes rail sign holders are a quick way to draw attention or add an appropriate marketing message to your primary shopping zones.

Other ideas for in-store displays include using overhead signage to draw customers to particular areas of your store - these are useful as they can be seen from a much greater distance.

For customers who may be busy looking down at their feet, use floor stickers to catch their eye and remind them about the upcoming event and your relevant Easter promotions!

Easter shop displays

Which products should I use in my Easter shop displays?

Easter shop displays

Easter sales aren't limited to chocolate eggs! There are so many other items that can be promoted as part of your Easter shop displays. Baked goods such as cakes and hot cross buns are a more obvious choice, along with egg hunt accessories.

Easter shop displays

Even if you're primarily a food or homeware retailer, why not bundle up some relevant craft supplies as impulse buys? For example, kits to make Easter bonnets and baskets, homemade greetings cards, egg decorating kits and similar?

Families will love the convenient activity packs which will keep kids busy over the Easter weekend!

Many families use Easter as an excuse to get together and have a celebration, so stock up on party food and drinks, fruit and meringues, napkins, and themed disposable tablecloths for party games and buffets.

Easter shop displays

In 2021, POPAI found that even condiments were promoted on Easter displays by Waitrose, which featured Hellmann's, Colman's and Knorr items. These may not be the traditional Easter offerings, but who's to say they aren't relevant?! [5]

This is a creative way to grab attention at aisle ends and boost any sales that could otherwise be impacted by HFSS rules.

If you're a fashion retailer, try installing themed clothing displays with accessories, such as bunny ears. Other retailers could create a relevant themed display with items like flowers, houseplants and gardening tools, or even cosmetics. Think "alternative" gift ideas that still fit the bill.

Don't forget outdoor Easter display ideas!

While your Easter window displays and instore Easter campaigns are a key focus, don't forget your outdoor Easter advertising too! Use window posters and pavement signs to inform passersby and new customers of your Easter promotions. This will help to spark their interest and inspiration before they even enter your business.

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1. Emily Viberg, ‘UK Easter Market Report 2024’, Mintel, https://store.mintel.com/report/uk-easter-market-report [accessed 03/03/2024].

2. POPAI, ‘Shopper Investigation: Easter’, Dec 11 2020, POPAI Issue 42, pp. 5 - 12, https://www.talkingretail.com/advice/category-tips/three-easter-merchandising-tips-11-12-2020/ [accessed 10.02.2022].

3. ‘Focus on...Easter and spring’, The Grocer, 21 January 2023, p.52.

4. Liz Wells, ‘Three Easter merchandising tips’, Talking Retail, Dec 11 2020, https://www.talkingretail.com/advice/category-tips/three-easter-merchandising-tips-11-12-2020/ [accessed 10.02.2022].

5. POPAI, ‘POPwatch: Easter Displays from around the World’ (April 2021), POPAI [accessed 10/02/2022].